Software - Granular Seq

Recently I have been creating various instruments on Max, one of which is Granular Seq, a granular sampler. This device is all about fragmentation and delving deep into a sample of audio, creating sound from various sized fragments. Everything is usable and there is a whole world of sonic possibilities within a tiny piece of audio.

The plugin has its roots in granular synthesis and allows the user to load in a sample and play it back within specified grains. The range of the sample and the size of the grains can be adjusted. When paired with a reverb or delay this allows the user to make “crystal” like fragments which ping like glass or ice. The device can also be synced to a tempo, so I have managed to make some pretty interesting melodies with it.

The special feature of Granular Seq is that each individual grain tuning can be adjusted using tuning knobs, giving the device an analog and spontaneous feel. I’ve added a random button which can quickly switch up these tunings.

Download Crystalline V1.0 here


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